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ISSW 2022

The International SPAD Sensor Workshop

online conference

JUNE 13 - 15, 2022

Please note: All streams and downloads, as well as this website,
will be available until October 15th, 2022.

About ISSW 2022

Devices | Architectures | Applications

The International SPAD Sensor Workshop focuses on the study, modeling, design, fabrication, and characterization of SPAD sensors. The workshop welcomes all researchers, practitioners, and educators interested in SPADs, SPAD imagers, and associated applications, not only in imaging but also in other fields.

The third edition of the workshop will gather experts in all areas of SPADs and SPAD related applications using Internet virtual conference technology. Over 40 invited speakers will animate three days of study, information dissemination, and debates.

Access to all presentations will be provided to the registered participants via streaming up to 8 weeks after the Workshop through the conference Webpage.


Please find below the final program, expect three full days of congress with over 40 speakers from all over the world.

The streams are generally only accessible to registered congress participants. If you are interested, please contact

18th March 2022:
Advance Program Announcement
1st April 2022:
Registration Opens
8th April 2022:
Final Program Announcement
31st May 2022:
Registration Closes
13th June 2022:
Start of ISSW2022 Conference

Access to all presentations will be provided to the registered participants via streaming up to 8 weeks after the Workshop through the conference Webpage.


We thank you for your interest in participating at the 3rd International SPAD Sensor Workshop.

Registration closed

We thank you for your interest in participating at the 3rd International SPAD Sensor Workshop.

Invited speakers and sponsors will receive a separate registration form (please do not register online).


Registration for virtual attendance (150 EUR)

  • Access to the workshop and talks


The list of sponsors is currently being compiled. If you would also like to benefit as a sponsor from the image and valuable contacts of this congress, please contact for further information.

Gold Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors


Technical Sponsor

Steering Committee

Sara Pellegrini


United Kingdom

Robert K Henderson

Edinburgh University

United Kingdom

David Stoppa

SONY Europe Technology Development Centre


Alberto Tosi

Politecnico di Milano


Edoardo Charbon



Claudio Bruschini



Organizing Committee

ams OSRAM are proud to organize the ISSW Congress 2022 and to present over 40 internationally recognized experts to all researchers, practitioners, and educators interested in SPADs, SPAD imagers, and associated applications.

Our Organizing Committee is ready to guide you through this online event:

Poster submission for students

We wish to offer all graduate students an opportunity to present a poster on their research projects or other research relevant to the workshop topics at two special poster sessions on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th June from 17:20-18:30 CEST.

If you wish to take up this opportunity, please send us between 6-8 slides in PDF format and complete this banner slide including a photo of yourself.

We will invite attendees of the virtual workshop to gather at the end of the day to join the poster sessions. They will see a series of banners indicating the topics of the posters and will be able to click on and view your slides. If they are interested they will be able enter individual chatrooms to discuss your slides with you and with other delegates. We would ask you to be present in the chat rooms over those times.

“Copyright and other Permissions: any individual/institution shall ensure that any material contributed for the purposes of ISSW 2022, (which material shall include copyright material, the identification of legal persons and the use of any trade mark or other brand recognition), is not subject to copyright or any other third party rights or other restrictions on use.”

Former Workshops

The 2022 workshop organized by ams OSRAM is the third edition of a global exchange on SPAD and SPAD imagers. This is the continuation of a tradition started in Switzerland in 2018 and continued in Scotland in 2020.


Contact for more information about ISSW 2022.